Before You Begin
When utilizing a used kitchen cabinet system, flexibility is the name of the game.
Is your space flexible?
First, ask yourself “how flexible is my space?” If you have a wide open room you can play around with, finding a set and placing that set and island are going to be much easier. If you are updating an old kitchen and using the same footprint, it can definitely be done, it’s just going to take some creativity, and you guessed it, flexibility.
Are you flexible?
Another type of flexibility is personal flexibility. When working with a used kitchen set, you have to be flexible. Often times creative solutions, like open shelving or contrasting cabinetry, will need to come into play to solve a space issue. When you are flexible and open, working with your kitchen set can be much easier.
We have created a helpful guide to help you modify your cabinets to fit the space. Download our 7 Modification Solutions document and start planning your dream kitchen today!
Sketch out your kitchen on graph paper.
To plan out your kitchen, graph paper can be a helpful and easy tool. To start, make sure you have measured your kitchen’s footprint. Don’t forget to measure twice! Next, find the kitchen set’s measurements located on the product page. Lastly, get your graph paper and pencil ready!
We’ve worked with Sandra Spence to make a how-to video on this process for you guys! You can watch her video right here!
Plan out your kitchen digitally! Our design program is also a useful tool you can use to plot out your kitchen.
Our design program allows you to input cabinet dimensions and place your new kitchen set into your space. This can help you visualize in more realistic quality how the finished product will look. In contrast to more complicated programs, we’ve done our best to keep our system simple and easy to use. Ben has created an audio message for those of you interested in this program! Please listen to it below.
To see a tutorial on how the program works, please watch this YouTube video from Alex!
To purchase access to our kitchen design program, please visit the product page by clicking the button below.
Note: The interior designers listed here are not affiliated with Ben’s Repurposed Cabinetry. We are simply providing information for professionals that have shown an interest in working with our customers.
Interior Architect AAS
Architectural Drafter / Kitchen & Bath Designer
Contact: Pandi Spence
Longmont, CO
Kristen Randall Design
Interior Design
Castle Rock, CO
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