About Ben's Repurposed Cabinetry
Hello, Everyone!
This is Ben from Ben’s Repurposed Cabinetry, nestled here against the Rocky Mountains in Loveland, Colorado. I’m not a professional cabinet builder, just a 5th & 6th grade teacher at a small Christian school. My beautiful wife Becky used to teach 3rd & 4th grade across the hall, but she’s now a mother in the home for our seven children.

How Ben's Repurposed Cabinetry Got Started
The idea for this business came when Becky and I decided to renovate our first home. Our realtor, apparently eager to make a sale and be done with us, said we could probably move the kitchen for $5k. For those of you laughing now, it’s a shame we didn’t have your knowledge back then. After a trip to Home Depot to price out cabinets, morale was low. However, just when the situation seemed hopeless, we happened to run into another family who was getting rid of their beautiful cherry wood cabinets with dovetailed drawers. These cabinets were much better quality than we had ever dreamed of having, and we quickly picked them up and hung them in our new kitchen.
This great find got me thinking. People are renovating all the time, some just for the fun of it. With millions of people living in this area of Colorado that must be a ridiculous number of kitchens! If some of them are as nice as the ones we just got, there’s a huge percentage of Americans that would love to get their hands on these discarded pieces! We must find them!
And so, the journey began. We’ve grown a lot since that small flicker of an idea and are constantly partnering with new custom cabinet companies, contractors, kitchen designers, realtors, and homeowners to keep these high-end materials out of the dump and get them into the hands of average, hard-working Americans who can cherish them for decades to come. We love meeting new people who are as passionate about our mission as we are, so come on down to Ben’s Repurposed Cabinetry and help us write the next chapter in this recycling revolution!
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